Mana Zinc Stick CellEnhanz

Mana Zinc Stick CellEnhanz can be absorbed deep at the cellular level and certified by research results. ZINC AMINO ACID CHELATE is an essential mineral that the body needs. It is important to the body in many ways. It is a component of enzymes in the body that help create RNA, DNA, and help synthesize proteins. These are the genetic materials that cells in the body need to use to generate new cells. It is very necessary for the growth because general minerals have a very short absorption time in the intestinal tract. Sometimes the body may not be able to absorb and use them at all after being consumed. But when we combine the Zinc with Amino Acid molecule, which is the smallest unit of protein in the form of Zinc Amino Acid Chelate, this allows the body to absorb and use them better because of the intestinal channel that will absorb and use them is longer. And the body is ready and can use them immediately without having to go through digestion, promoting the efficiency of Zinc absorption better than other forms.

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